.uk Domain Registration SLA
Agreement Application. UK Service Level Agreement
This SLA applies to all .UK Domain...
How to add a domain forwarder
Please follow the steps in the video to add a domain forwarder to your domain name.
How to add an e-mail forwarder
Please follow the steps in the video to add an e-mail forwarder to your domain name.
How to change nameservers
Please follow the steps in the video to update the nameservers of your domain:
How to manage DNS records
Please follow the steps in the video to add, edit, or delete DNS records from your domain name....
How to register private nameservers (glue records)
Please follow the steps in the video to register, modify, or delete private nameservers:
How to request an EPP code
Please follow the steps in the video to request an EPP code:
How to transfer a domain to another edomains user
Please follow the steps in the video to transfer a domain name to another e-domains account:
How to unlock or lock a domain name
Please follow the steps in the video to lock or unlock your domain name:
Proceso de cambio de titular de un dominio .ES
Para Cambiar el titular de un dominio .es solo debes seguir los siguientes pasos:
1. Para...